Why Your Home’s Energy Matters More Than You Think
Hi there! I’m Erica, and I’ll be honest—I’m a bit shy. I’ve always had a different way of looking at the world. My views tend to be a little “out there,” and I’ve never really fit into the mainstream. But lately, something has shifted within me, and I’ve found the strength to step into the light, stand on my hill, and share my truth with you.
This article is my way of introducing myself and explaining why I’ve created this space, and why the products and education I offer are so important. What I’ve curated here isn’t just about selling products—it’s about providing tools to help you bring more light, love, and power into your life, ultimately supporting the collective expansion of light in humanity. It’s part of a bigger mission—one that focuses on healing, conscious living, and creating energy-filled spaces that empower you.
Have you ever experienced a moment when your body and soul just felt one, as if you were fully aligned with everything around you? I had an experience like that recently, and honestly, I don’t know how to describe it other than my eyes doing this wild flipity thing, it was totally surreal. In that moment, I felt deeply connected to the “I am” presence—something so real and tangible that it shifted everything in me. It was powerful, and honestly, it could freak a person out. But it was also freeing.
That experience—the clarity, the alignment—is what I want for you. It’s why I’m here. I’ve walked a long path filled with natural healing, deep curiosity, and an unwavering drive to uncover the truth. And what I’ve come to understand is this: We are homo-luminous beings. We are light. When we raise our consciousness, when we practice real self-love and compassion, we not only heal ourselves, but we spread that energy to everyone and everything around us. This, to me, is what life is all about.
Now, let’s talk about your home. Your home should be your sanctuary—your place of strength and peace. It’s where you recharge, where you rebuild, and where you create the energy you need to thrive. But in today’s world, our homes are constantly impacted by external forces. Wifi, 5G, cell phones, smart devices, and even invisible energies like ley lines can create disruption. And yes, I know it sounds like a lot, but it’s real.
I’m sure you’ve heard about the effects of electromagnetic fields (EMFs) and how they can impact your well-being. It’s no longer an "if" but a "how"—how can we mitigate this energy to ensure our homes support us, not drain us? That's where my curated collection comes in. I’ve handpicked these products because they align with my mission: to help you create a home that nurtures and supports your light.
There are a ton of products out there, but when I tune in, I find that only about 30% of what’s available actually carries the energy that we truly want in our lives. So, trust your instincts. Check in with your B.S. meter and rate the energy of what you're considering on a scale from 1 to 10—10 being amazing, and 4 meaning, uh, maybe not so much.
Getting back on track—your home. It’s time to clear the energy and reframe the way your space affects you. Remember, we can’t truly get rid of energy; we can only reroute it. But these small shifts can create a huge difference.
Here are 10 Easy Tips for a Harmonious Home that you can start using today to improve the energy flow in your space:
- Use Outlet Covers: Plug unused outlets with baby-safe protective covers to minimize EMFs.
- Add EMF Protection: Install an EMF-protection device on your home’s electrical control panel—just $50.
- Plug Sinks: When not in use, plug up sinks to help contain the energy flow.
- North-South Bed Alignment: Align your bed with the north-south axis for the most beneficial energy while sleeping.
- Distance from Electric Devices: Keep your bed at least an arm’s length away from any electric devices.
- Remove Bedroom Mirrors: Take out mirrors from the bedroom to create a peaceful and restful space.
- Cover TVs in Bedrooms: If you have a TV in the bedroom, cover it when not in use to reduce disruptive energy.
- Opt for Natural Sleep Materials: Choose all-cotton sheets and natural sleepwear for a more breathable and restful night.
- Avoid Black or Red Bedding: Stick to calmer colors for your bed linens and sleepwear for a more peaceful sleep.
- Avoid Placing Beds Where Cats Sleep: Cats tend to gravitate toward areas of geopathic stress, so choose a bed spot away from their favorite resting places.
These tips are simple, but they’ll help you align the energy in your home and bring more peace and harmony to your space.