From Thought to Being: Shifting Into Heart-Mind Resonance

From Thought to Being: Shifting Into Heart-Mind Resonance

From Thought to Being: Shifting Into Heart-Mind Resonance

The Heart’s Rhythmic Intelligence

The heart is a marvel of movement and rhythm. It has four chambers—two atria and two ventricles—made of specialized cardiac muscle, a tissue unique to this organ. Anatomically, the ventricles sit inferior to the atria, and together they create a dynamic flow. The atria act as reservoirs, gathering and pooling blood before it cascades down into the ventricles, where a powerful vortex is formed. This spiraling motion propels blood through the body, nourishing every tissue that makes you you.

At the heart’s core—both literally and energetically—is the sinoatrial (SA) node, a small cluster of specialized cells residing in the right atrium. This "pacemaker" of the heart generates electrical impulses that spark a rhythmic contraction, creating the steady beat that sustains us. These impulses arise from pacemaker cells, a subset of cardiomyocytes capable of spontaneous action—an innate intelligence that keeps the heart moving without conscious effort.

Despite its autonomy, the heart is intimately connected to the nervous system, particularly the autonomic nervous system (ANS), which fine-tunes its rhythm in response to emotions, activity, and internal states. We rarely perceive its function unless something disrupts it—when it races, skips, or falters. I see these irregularities not just as arrhythmias but as expressions of disharmony—a message from within

Breath, the Bridge Between Heart and Body

The rib cage, often described as a shield for vital organs, serves a more nuanced role. Along with the lungs, it becomes a modulator of the heart’s rhythm. With each breath, the ribs expand and contract, guiding movement up into the cranium—where fluid-filled ventricles mirror the pulsations of the heart—and downward into the pelvis, the foundation of our creative energy. This dynamic interplay creates a deeper synchrony, a pulse that moves through us, sustaining the rhythm of life itself.

The Heart Field and the Heart Crust

The Vulnerability and Completeness of a Person

As a child, I often heard the phrase from scripture: “A stiff neck and a hard heart”—a warning that such a state could keep one from the kingdom of God. Another teaching echoed through my upbringing: “The spirit speaks to the heart.”

Secretly, I was searching for a meaning of life that didn’t feel so heavy—one that didn’t hinge on being perfect. Exploring these messages from scripture became part of my search for truth, as I couldn’t shake the feeling that religion wasn’t giving me the whole story. I wanted something deeper, something more authentic.

I was deeply introspective, fascinated by the nature of thoughts, the mind, and the spirit. Along the way, I was introduced to the idea of the heart as an energy center. Research from HeartMath suggests that we can quite literally “speak with our hearts”—a concept that lingered in my mind, shaping my understanding of our energy field. It became clear to me that our emotional experiences—hurt, disappointment, rejection—leave imprints on this field, influencing how we relate to ourselves and the world around us.

But why do we all carry hurt hearts or hardened hearts? Why is our instinct to guard and protect them? And most importantly, how do we soften and finally break open the heart crust—that protective layer we build over time?

The answer lies in awareness through vulnerability—a space where, paradoxically, we find wholeness. When we allow ourselves to feel, to listen, and to open, we step into the completeness of who we truly are.

Keep reading for ways to nurture heart health and happiness—inside and out.

The Heart’s Power: A Journey into Healing Energy

In my early twenties, I visited a healing practitioner who taught me a technique for sending heart vibrations—a practice that required training myself to bring both sensation and consciousness physically down into the heart and then radiate that energy outward toward the client.

To test its effect, we first assessed an issue before the practice, then projected heart energy for 30 seconds to a minute, and immediately retested. The client reported a noticeable improvement.

It was the first time I had ever felt something so intense and tangible in my heart and chest. In that moment, I realized just how little I truly understood about what was happening, a mystery perhaps!—but I knew this experience would stay with me, lingering at the top of my mind, urging me to explore deeper. 

The Thymus Gland: The High Heart 

Over time, I’ve come to recognize an intimate connection between the heart and the thymus gland—one that extends beyond just their physical presence in the body. This relationship exists in both a tangible, physical way (form) and in an unseen, energetic way (non-form)—a perspective that feels most neutral and inclusive at this stage of my discovery.

The thymus gland plays a major role in our immune system, governing our ability to recognize what belongs within us and what does not. It is said to shrink with age, eventually remaining as a cluster of nerves on the posterior aspect of the heart. Yet, even as its physical structure changes, its influence remains—through its nervous system connections and its role in maintaining balance.

Much like the heart, the thymus is deeply influenced by the autonomic nervous system, receiving signals from both the vagus nerve and sympathetic fibers from the cervical spine. This interplay between sympathetic and parasympathetic states mirrors a larger theme of harmony—yin and yang, expansion and contraction, opposing forces of negative and positive polarities, and even the cycle life and death, working together to sustain life.

The thymus is often called the "high heart," reflecting its deeper function beyond just immunity. Our ability to regulate our relationship with the external environment directly impacts our internal state of balance. Evidence of this relationship is woven into the reflexions and reflexes that span the entire body, manifesting as subtle patterns in posture, breath, and tension—each a reflection of the deeper rhythms at play within us.

Creation of Heart Energy with Our Hands

In the ten energetic zones theory imagery by Dr. William Fitzgerald, the hands and arms serve as direct gateways to the heart, and energy flows from the heart out through the hands. Traditional Chinese Medicine also has similar drawings of their energy passages of the heart. This suggests that our hands are more than just tools for action and production—they are channels of heart energy. However, I would argue that most people engage their hands primarily from the Brain-Mind, rather than the Heart-Mind.

What is Heart Energy? 

But what exactly is heart energy? Simply put, it is layered energy. Over the years, I’ve encountered many interpretations of these energetic layers, but the one that has resonated with me the most comes from Elizabeth Wysen. Her work explores these layers in depth, particularly through the concept of the Three Minds—which you can learn more about through her free ebook pdf resource at

She describes the Three Minds in a way that bridges teachings I’ve come across, including Dan Tian points and the Heart-Mind concept, both of which were introduced to me by my Krystaline teacher, Wayne Gaydos. According to this perspective, most people operate primarily from the Brain Mind, our mental processor—useful for analysis but not ideal for navigating life in alignment.

The Heart-Mind, however, is the key to true creation. It is the zone that unlocks your creative power, truth identification, DNA and genetic coding, memory healing, and ancestral lineage network healing. The more you refine and attune to your Heart-Mind, the more you step into the purest, most full-spectrum light you have ever experienced. In this state, healing, purification, and transformation are no longer struggles to endure—they become offerings, gifts wrapped with intention and love, quite literally and energetically placed into the hands of Source, Light, or God.

But how do you shift from the Brain Mind to the Heart Mind? To the Brain Mind, this all sounds inspiring but conceptual—something to think about rather than something to embody. The key is experiential practice, allowing yourself to truly feel and operate from the Heart-Mind, rather than just understanding it intellectually.

Once you have learned how the heart interacts with you, it will be important to ask the Heart Mind and not just let the processor of the Brain Mind run the wheel for absolutely no reason, and not one that you can control at least. Stop the hamster wheel, get off and talk to the soul in charge!! 

Now, once you can feel this communication, we are ready to move into some amazing, yet completely mind and paradigm shifting yet. But if you practice, you will feel much more comfortable in your space. 

Let’s dive into how to connect with your Heart-Mind and integrate this with reflex work.

But first—let me remind you: You are 100% responsible for your health. This practice is about deepening your awareness, not handing over your power.

A Process of the Heart-Mind Activity

Step 1: Build a Relationship with Your Heart

Before we go further, let’s establish communication with the Heart-Mind. Trust that your heart will answer—because it will. Try these simple questions:

1️⃣ "Heart-Mind, Thank You for serving me. Is my name [say your actual name]?" By way of Divine Right, you heart will be answering “yes” so notice how your body responds. Common signals of a "yes" include tingling, warmth, expansion, or a lifting sensation in your throat, crown face or chest. 

2️⃣ "Heart-Mind, Thank You for serving me. Was I born in [say something obviously false, like ‘the jungle’]?"

Again, notice how your body responds. A "no" often feels like a contraction, a halt, a heavy sensation, or even a slight sinking feeling.

By doing this, you’re training yourself to recognize how the Heart-Mind communicates—tuning into the answers meant for it. In essence, you’re tapping into the field of memory—all memories, ever.

Step 2: Shift from the Brain-Mind to the Heart-Mind

Most of us let the Brain-Mind run the show—spinning its wheels non-stop, analyzing, overthinking. But why let the processor drive when your soul is in charge?

Visually and mentally, do this now, close your eyes. “It’s time to stop spinning the wheel, step off the hamster wheel and start actively working with your Heart-Mind and the soul in charge”. 

Step 3: Prepare for the Next Level

Once you can feel this communication, you’re ready for the next step—something that might feel completely mind- and paradigm-shifting at first. But with practice, it will feel natural, empowering, and like coming home to yourself.

Are you ready? Let’s go.

The breath and prana is what MOVES the Blood, its the wind behind your sails, its the modulator of harmony in the body. In hale through the nose and exhale through the mouth. Get into it here, this isn’t the place to be proud. Then ask the Heart Mind to fill the space with source light now. Yes, use the word now. Very important. Each layer of memory stored in the heart is to be dealt with by the Heart Mind and using every density we can as a generous offering to make the world a better place and spread abundance into the universe, ending the weapon of war. Elizabeth emphatically says that ending our suffering is dangerous! We have so much access to density, or consciousness under pressure, to create real change and shift. It’s like building a rocket ship (or whatever other fun imaginative creation you can think of with the volume of density you have and then using the breath to whip it right into the galactic to spread light and peace or to heal my city, or to light my home or to change the energy of a business meeting. Your job is the let that all flow and TRUST. 

Transforming Triggers into Gifts

Think of a life trigger—big or small, it doesn’t matter. Can you feel where it is in your body? Would you describe the feeling as light and airy, like a gas? More fluid, like a liquid? Or heavy and solid, like a rock? Now, consider this: the intensity of sensation that a trigger creates corresponds to its density

In physics, density is defined as the mass of a substance per unit volume. In simpler terms, the more dense something is, the more substance it has. Apply this to your triggers: a small emotional trigger might be like a $20 mid weight gift, while a massive one could be worth a John Deer in density   … or even a city at $50 billion. Yes, you read that right—your greatest struggles hold the most beautiful and transformational power, period. 

Triggers are consciousness put under pressure, designed to propel you into movement. Instead of resisting this movement, what if you use the density and transmuted that pressure into an actual physical gift?

How? Use Your Heart Energy

Acknowledge the trigger – recognize that it’s an opportunity, not a burden.

Engage your Heart-Mind – say: “Dear Heart, turn this into a gift.” - Physically move the energy – use your hands to push the dense sensation out of your body, directing it upwards.

Visualize a sacred space – imagine the hands of the universe, the hands of God, a white temple, or sacred grounds where this energy is transmuted into something beautiful for the you, and the world as we know it.

The Role of Breath: The Wind Behind Your Sails

Breath is the force that moves energy. Prana, life force, or oxygen—it fuels your blood, balances your system, and creates momentum. Inhale deeply through your nose, exhale fully through your mouth. This isn’t the time for restraint—breathe with intention.

Now, ask your Heart-Mind to fill the space with Source Light—now.

Yes, say now. It matters.

Why Does This Work?

Every memory, every layer of density stored in your heart, is waiting to be transformed. By consciously offering up this energy—whether for healing, peace, or abundance—you’re no longer trapped by suffering. Instead, you're turning it into fuel for change.

As Elizabeth Wysen says, ending suffering is dangerous! We hold immense power in these dense experiences—the power to launch our consciousness like a rocket ship, to light up a city, to shift a business meeting, to spread peace across the world and spread Full Spectrum light into the universe, taking away the weapons of war.

Your role? Let it flow. Trust. You are a Unique Master Key in the vast Universal Symphony. Play your note with intention, with passion. Offer it all—your joys, your struggles, your density—up to the grand design, knowing that even suffering can be transformed into harmony.

This is a process as we remove the heart crust.  

Would you like to deepen your Heart Mind Meditations and healing? Two Ankhs on either side of the heart will deepen your work exponentially!!

Cultivating the Power to Live from the Heart-Mind

 I’ve asked my good friend and teacher, Wayne Gaydos, an energetic grid engineer, to contribute his wisdom to this article. His first piece of advice is simple yet profound: “Learn how to know the Heart-Mind.” Does this terminology sound familiar?  Lets explore this term a little more since we’re clearly not referring to the physical organ at all—it’s pointing to a BE-ing-ness.  Creating a practice that allows you to BE in Heart-mind, in order to restructure ourselves into perfectness. Wow, that’s a mouthful if you haven’t heard these words before so lets examine this further. 

Creating a practice that allows you to BE in Heart-Mind is essential for restructuring ourselves into a state of perfect-ness. I know this may sound like a mouthful if these ideas are new to you, so let’s break it down and explore it further.

Every aspect of energy contains frequency, vibration, and resonance. This means energy can have density, bandwidth, structure, and all of this is felt through the law of gravity. It also encompasses wavelengths and heights, speed and rhythm, as well as expansion and retraction.

Now, imagine this: if we can consider ourselves as energy for moment (beyond the defining boundaries and limitations of our physical bodies, organs, and separate parts), we start to recognize that we are coded energy programs giving us the density of solid mass. Our organic and earthly bodies are made of different states of matter—gas, liquid, and solid—and each of these states of matter is also energy, manifesting at different densities.

So, if we can shift our perspective to see ourselves as energy, can you tune into the type of waves you emit? If emotions and thoughts live within you, do they have their own unique bandwidths? What’s the speed of these emotions or thoughts? What color do they carry? Do they have a temperature?

Tuning into the energy of your Beingness—taking in everything that’s happening in your physical and energetic biome—will help you understand how well the energy flows within you. How much light do you sense in your being?

Once you’re able to attune yourself to this, let’s open up to the energy of Heart-Mind. Now, you may be thinking, “What do I have to DO to access Heart-Mind?” But the truth is, it’s not about doing—it’s about BEING.

 Once you’ve entered that space of awareness, let's now imagine opening up to the energy of Heart-Mind. You may find yourself thinking, "Heart-Mind—what do I need to DO to access this?" But here’s the thing: it’s not about doing. It’s about BEING. When it comes to Heart-Mind, it’s all about embodying that state. So let’s take the next step together.

The Three Essential Components of Energy

At the core, energy has three key components: frequency, vibration, and resonance. According to Wayne, our bandwidth can be understood in terms of octaves. If you’re familiar with sound or music, this concept will resonate. (Pun intended!) Think of the octaves of a piano—each octave contains notes that repeat, moving up in pitch. This same concept applies to your Being-ness: Each octave you move through helps you fine-tune your ability to exist in a higher state of consciousness.

Wayne explains that Ego governs the first octave. This was easier for me to grasp having played the piano in my youth. Each octave on the piano contains the notes A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and then it repeats. In this sense, your spectrum of being can be thought of like the octaves of a piano. The more octaves you transcend, the more finely tuned your Heart-Mind, and the more you unlock more of the unique skills and gifts that you were bestowed with as a Human BE-ing.

This work unfolds through practices like imagery, imagination, geometry, and visualization—tools that introduce new frequencies, vibrations, and resonance into the cells and the very matter that makes up your being. By integrating these higher-level consciousness programs and rituals, you begin to transform your suffering into something far more powerful—gifts for humanity or the energy needed to shift away from negative programs like narcissism, hate, slavery, poverty, and control. This is how you change the very mass that creates you—the body that you have a symbiotic relationship with while here on Earth. It’s the body you’re meant to have the deepest, most loving connection with, the one you’re meant to wake up to each day and say, “Body, what do you need? Thank you.”

So, how do we do this? We begin by addressing the blockages that show up in each octave. These blockages may manifest as attachments, genetic DNA coding, lineage programming, or they can even show up as virus or bacterium imbalances monitoring to name a few! 

So lets summarize through an activity to energetically upgrade the physical heart: 

Heart-Mind Activation: A Guided Process for Energetic Heart Expansion

Step 1: Enter the Heart-Mind Bandwidth

Before we can begin any true transformation, we must shift into a state of be-ing in the Heart-Mind consciousness.

Close your eyes and take a few slow, deep breaths.

Bring your awareness to your heart—not just as an organ, but as a center of intelligence and feeling.

Imagine moving beyond thoughts, beyond mental chatter. The mind may try to analyze or problem-solve here, but this is not about letting the Brain-Mind take control and request more doing—it is about BEING.

Feel yourself stepping into the Heart-Mind frequency—tune into your heart, not through the mind, but sink down into the chest and open the heart. Might take some effort to achieve and maintain for a while, the heart crust is real, and can take some time to move up in octaves.

If your mind tries to interfere—asking, “Am I doing this right?”—notice it and gently return to the space of your Heart-Mind. This is not about perfection. It is about practice.

Step 2: Identify and Clear Blockages

As you settle into this space, begin to scan for anything that feels heavy, stuck, or resistant. These blockages can be anything from attachments, to lineage programming, DNA/genetics coding, 

Ask yourself:

What is preventing me from fully stepping into Heart-Mind?

Is this blockage related to a frequency, a vibration, or a resonance?

Allow any insights to come naturally. You may see images, feel sensations, or hear intuitive messages.

If Ego arises, bringing doubts or resistance, acknowledge it. Ego often controls the lower octaves, and part of this work is recognizing where it tries to hold you back.

Clearing blockages might involve breathwork, visualization, or simply witnessing and releasing. There is no right or wrong—your system will show you what it needs.

Step 3: Shift the Energy Using Geometry and Resonance

Now, bring your physical heart into direct awareness.

As you focus on your heart, observe what happens:

Does your awareness of it pull you out of Heart-Mind? If so, this may indicate that the physical heart holds lower vibrations that need attention.

Or, do you begin to see or feel something shifting?

At this stage, we use sacred geometry to help restructure and harmonize the heart’s resonance. The heart is considered to be the sacred shape of the Chestahedron

Visualize the Chestahedron—a seven-sided Platonic solid—unfolding within your heart.

*”chestahedron is a unique volume constructed of four equilateral triangles and three “kite” shapes (quadrilaterals)” Frank Chester- a representation of the heart

Imagine this shape coiling and expanding, forming a resonance chamber around your heart space.

Now, begin to download key energetic qualities into this structure:

Purity – the essence of clear, untainted energy

Coherence – the perfect synchronization of your physical and energetic heart

Clarity – the removal of distortions, allowing you to see and feel with truth

Picture these qualities as frequencies of light and sound, perfectly aligning with your heart’s natural rhythm.

Step 4: Anchor the Shift in Your Cells and Field

At this point, you may feel a shift—a buzzing, a lightness, or a deep sense of peace.

Allow this energy to settle into your cells, your tissues, your entire being.

Feel it locking into place, integrating into your energetic blueprint.

Recognize that this is now your new frequency—you have upgraded your heart’s resonance.

Step 5: Breathe and Receive

There is nothing more to do. Simply breathe.

With each inhale, expand this new state within you.

With each exhale, release any last remnants of resistance.

Let your breath be a bridge between the old and the new.

This process is an invitation—an opening into a higher octave of being. Each time you engage in this practice, you refine your ability to remain in Heart-Mind consciousness, activating more of your innate gifts and wisdom.

You are not just a human doing.

You are a Human BE-Ing.

How can we tune into our heart through our reflexes? Lets first look at some of the reflections we have access to the for the heart:

Follow us on Social to learn more about the diagrams below! 

·Big toe joint on both feet

·First finger joint on both hands

·Your entire hand as a fist

·Your nose

·The deepest part of the lower conch in your ears

·The bifurcation of the gastrocnemius muscle (calf) 

·5th finger or pinky toe sinew of the meridian of the heart

·The sister to the heart, the small intestine

·The entire face as a heart (as shown in the picture)

Observing and palpating these reflexions can assist you in clearing blockages, by releasing, by breathing. 

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